
Technology for people living with dementia

European researchers are tackling the problem of how people with these diseases can keep their independence and quality of life longer, while safely living in their own homes.

he Rosetta Project is based near Frankfurt, Germany. The goal is to develop assistive and intelligent environments for patients to live in, where irregular changes in their behaviour will raise an alarm. This is the function of one development called Early Detection System. The technology involved is not considered to be an invasion of privacy, since no pictures or sounds are recorded. The system does nothing more than tracking and analysing the persons position in the environment.

Another system, being developed in Holland and tested at a nursing home in Soest, is called Short Term Monitoring. It enables people with dementia to take more responsibility from their daily needs.

A touch screen has also been created to help dementia sufferers remember basic tasks and communicate with others. For example, the screen will sound an alarm when the patient should be having a meal. It is designed in particular to assist the carers of sufferers.

The trial period for these technologies and others continues until 2012. In 2011 testing will commence in three European countries, whereby 30 houses will be set up with sensor systems and assistive technologies.

It is expected that care institutions will be key players in the initial investment of these technologies and getting them into the homes of patients. The institutions will benefit from the reduced labour costs, while the patients benefit from the prolonged period of independent life.

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